list of tutorial problems

18463    A Research Project UOFTCA 12 73.68
18464    A Careful Reply UOFTCB 18 71.43
18489    Catch Me If You Can CMIYC 332 41.76
18501    Ishant can not Code AKVOD01 25 67.35
18504    Stan Swaps Glasses AKVOD02 29 60.29
18505    Special Blessing to Players AKVOD03 8 50.00
18508    The Factorial Conundrum FACTCN 6 34.09
18509    Dividing Money AKVOD04 10 18.18
18529    Tabs TABS 6 52.94
18534    Time Tracking TIMETRCK 6 60.00
18643    Odd ODDCOUNT 15 47.73
18669    Fun with flooring factorial IOPC_14A 14 25.00
18705    Student Chains STUDCHAN 418 36.10
18930    Number of digits DIGITCNT 56 55.23
18938    The angry professor VEXPROF 36 23.16
19036    Dukker The Topper NR3 17 27.36
19134    Base Conversion (Easy) BASECVT 21 65.33
19218    Dipu and Maths DIPU1 11 32.65
19219    Naval and exam NAVAL1 11 53.85
19220    Tarang and number of routes TARANG1 17 25.27
19234    Identity crisis(Medium) LKID 7 13.64
19271    GRAVITY GRAVITY 88 18.34
19277    Permutation Cycle Decomposition PERMCYC 21 63.64
19364    Sleepy Addition 2 ZZZADD 11 86.67
19383    Sort for Addition ADSORT 17 38.78
19384    Name Sorting NSORT 27 38.82
19399    ULAB Cse Deparment ULABCSE 2 17.65
19400    Gaelic Spell Checker GAELSPEL 0 0.00
19402    SleepWalker ZZZSLEEP 4 88.89
19405    Sleepy Alice Goes to School ZZZALICE 0 0.00
19407    Fibonacci extraction Sum FIBOSUMT 31 59.51
19415    Numeral Abbreviation Notation ABRNUM 5 28.00
19431    COMPRESSED WORDS-2 CW_2 6 11.32
19559    Breakup App BRKUPAPP 10 57.58
19575    Galvin and Time GAT 15 60.71
19598    Seperate the number KAUSH 23 51.85
19599    Small Boys and The Prinicpal SMALBOYS 12 38.71
19699    Positive ORTL1P01 65 79.65
19700    Highest ORTL1P02 41 70.51
19701    Calculation ORTL1P03 100 92.05
19702    Average ORTL1P04 38 87.32
19734    Smallest ORTL1P20 65 89.52
19787    Mr Toothless and His Number Theory BBD 7 16.22
19914    Fahrenheit ORTL1P06 84 84.24
19915    Leapyear ORTL1P07 12 10.43
19956    Connecting Networks GTL 10 21.15
19966    BOB AND BANANAS BANANAS 14 31.67
19995    Moon Safari (easy) MOON 69 43.64
20043    Distributing Chocolates CHKL 26 42.77
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